One question we all seem to ask (or at least wonder about) when we are thinking about homeschooling or we meet someone who does for the first time: how do you know what to teach? For me, it was " How will i know what to teach? " I believe this to be a valid question because it stems from genuine curiosity and it is mixed with a touch of doubt, generally self-doubt, so it is a fair concern. Traditional Answer: buy a reputable curriculum and follow it to the letter. As you get the "swing" of things, you will be able to supplement or skip pieces. This is a valid answer, but it didn't fit our style around here, so.... Less Common Response: learn about whatever the kids are interested in! What could be more fun than learning everything from the world around you rather than textbooks!?! Also a valid answer, but it was a bit too loose for me - i am still struggling with my self-doubt too much to lean too heavily on unschooling (as this method is often called)...
Homeschooling Mother of three taking the time to ruminate on what makes a life.