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Mr. Coffee, 3M, Luvs, and Husbands

How many times a month do you visit a large chain department/drug store such as Target? Well, here in Spring Hill, Tennessee, we have moved up in the world: we now have a Super Target! I know, my sister Corey is bugging her eyes out now because when she came to stay with us back in 2002, we had to (this killed the city girl) "go into town" when we needed stuff not found at our spiffy new Kroger grocery store. Now, though, we have a Publix, CVS, Walgreen's, Tractor Supply, Dippin' Dots, Pizza Hut, Papa John's, Dominoes, Wendy's, McDonald's, Taco Bell… well, you get the idea. We have arrived, as it were.

Okay, so today I needed a couple of odd things that were not all grocery items (sorry, Publix), so our family took a trek over to the Super Target (and we went while everyone else was in church, being the heathens that we are). We strolled through just about every aisle in the place, primarily because hubby apparently doesn't get out much. We slobbered over electronics, ga-gah-ed over housewares, and lingered over video games. Ultimately, we got the 3 items on my list, but we also ensured the job security of every employee working there today. Yes, we impulse-shopped to beat the band.

So, when we get home and I unpack the inevitable impulse purchases, there is a spring in my step as I set up our new Mr. Coffee to drip some wonderful ulcer-killing brew for us to enjoy while I put away all of the random stuff (stuff that naturally belongs in many different places in our 2-story house) that we didn't even intend to purchase in the first place. You may be thinking about reminding me how impulse shopping kills a budget, but have you ever been in a new Super Target before?!?! Jeepers, people, it is a marketing success, all the way! And you know this has happened to you, too.

This, my neighbor says, is retail therapy. And, yes, folks, it is fun and effective. It might not actually be cheaper than a therapist, but it sure puts a smile on my face for a couple of days - at least.

Okay, signing off.



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