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Happy Autumn!

So, it is October, it is Autumn, it is chilly!! We are preparing for the little one's second birthday this week. She will turn two on Monday, and we will have family and friends over to celebrate with us on Sunday evening. She is so social, I didn't figure we could get away with not having her favorite people gathered together in a party. Plus, she requires all birthdays be accompanied by cake.... already a Mommy's girl!

Yesterday, we saw the Pediatric Endocrinologist. Usually, that is a fairly routine visit... she looks good, let's get some blood, no change, same meds, good to go. However, yesterday I mentioned that we had done the sleep study since we saw her last and she has sleep apnea.... I mentioned the snoring that had started me thinking she was suffering from sleep apnea way back when, and she informed me that in rare cases of children with Dania's type of hypothyroidism, the thyroid is actually in the wrong spot in the neck and blocks the breathing while sleeping in a way that causes that snoring. She doesn't think that is Dania's issue because those children do not usually present with the snoring issue until between 2 and 3, but she wants me to talk with the Pediatric Otolaryngologist in January about the thyroid in addition to the possible tonsil obstruction.

On a lighter note, Dania's new favorite thing to say is: "Sissy/Quinny NO TALK-A Mommy!!" She says that when the kids are talking to me when she wants to talk to me. It is hillarious, even though I try to make her understand that they are allowed to talk to me, too.

Though it may seem like the elephant in the room that no one is talking about, I am going to continue to restrain myself on this blog - I will not talk about the politics raging in our nation right now. "You're welcome." {smile} I get a bit upset about all of it, and many of us would be on opposing sides, and this blog is just for fun. Not much fun if I offend a bunch of you, though, is is? So, I will leave that with this: VOTE!! Liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, Man or Woman (especially Woman!), take your RIGHT to vote seriously. (of course, if you aren't on my side, it's okay if you don't vote - just kidding!)

Okay, so off to make breakfast for the boy. I'll write again soon!


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