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Crisis at Christmas

Okay, Christmas is coming... and the goose is too skinny this year. Seems like every where I turn, a family is struggling to put food on the table. Every other person I talk to is looking toward a meager Christmas. Maybe the focus is all wrong....

I am not trying to diminish anyone's anguish over financial struggle; I do know what they are feeling. However, I wonder if all this struggling could be a symptom of something bigger....

Faith is bigger than finances. Family is better than bow-topped presents. Hope is fancier than a fully-trimmed Christmas tree. Love is richer than Santa. And Jesus is the reason for the season, anyway.

"Away in a manger, no crib for a bed...." Jesus, too, had financial woes.

"The first noel, the angel did say, was to certain poor shepherds in fields where they lay...." Poverty doesn't remove you from God's sight, neither does it keep you from His blessings. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. (Check out Matthew 5)

"Hark how the bells, sweet silver bells, all seem to say, 'throw cares away'." Let us turn to the music of the season, and let our hearts be directed toward Him, the babe who came - to die so that we may live.

God is bigger than your budget woes, stronger than your housing needs, and more compassionate than your boss. Why not turn to Him this Christmas? It's His Holiday anyway.

In Christ,


  1. Speak the TRUTH sister! Love that you are FAITHFUL to HIM! It is truly about JESUS!!!


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