Do you ever talk to someone who puts your life in perspective?
Have you gotten the chance to see your life through the lens of someone else's personal situation?
Has God ever reminded you how good you have it by showing you the suffering of another?
Sometimes, when I am sitting in my beautiful, heated home, complaining about life, I am ashamed to be so self-absorbed! I listen to other people, especially lately, families who have lost their incomes, parents who are suffering with a terminally ill child, women who are watching their husbands wage war against cancer, soldiers who gladly sacrifice years of comfort and safety to be a part of this great nation's national defense... and I am ashamed to be whining that my backyard needs a fence or my attic isn't large enough.
I have perspective lately. More perspective than, well, maybe ever. People are starving. And we all know that with our minds, but do you know it in your heart? People are suffering. We are aware of suffering worldwide, but does it reflect in your lifestyle?
There are so many ways I could become involved, but another project I do not need (just ask Shelly). However, what I am going to do, at least for today, is live my life with appreciation. I am going to understand and acknowledge my abundant blessings, be they easy or difficult to bear. And I am going to turn to God for the rest, because I am certainly not in charge, and He will know how to help the lost, the hungry, the sick, the broken, the suffering, the dying....
They are all His children, anyway.
Let us pray...
Have you gotten the chance to see your life through the lens of someone else's personal situation?
Has God ever reminded you how good you have it by showing you the suffering of another?
Sometimes, when I am sitting in my beautiful, heated home, complaining about life, I am ashamed to be so self-absorbed! I listen to other people, especially lately, families who have lost their incomes, parents who are suffering with a terminally ill child, women who are watching their husbands wage war against cancer, soldiers who gladly sacrifice years of comfort and safety to be a part of this great nation's national defense... and I am ashamed to be whining that my backyard needs a fence or my attic isn't large enough.
I have perspective lately. More perspective than, well, maybe ever. People are starving. And we all know that with our minds, but do you know it in your heart? People are suffering. We are aware of suffering worldwide, but does it reflect in your lifestyle?
There are so many ways I could become involved, but another project I do not need (just ask Shelly). However, what I am going to do, at least for today, is live my life with appreciation. I am going to understand and acknowledge my abundant blessings, be they easy or difficult to bear. And I am going to turn to God for the rest, because I am certainly not in charge, and He will know how to help the lost, the hungry, the sick, the broken, the suffering, the dying....
They are all His children, anyway.
Let us pray...
Yes...prayer... a true, un-edited dialogue with God is how I get my life into perspective. It is never easy...but what is it worth,if "it", our life, was easy? Could we really save the world from the hurt if our lives were perfect? Praise God we are not called to be perfect. I can only hope that I use my gifts(which I am still trying to figure them out), resources, and heart when God commands me to! I think God uses you by sharing your perspective on perspective! Thanks for sharing!!!