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Try It Tuesday - with a twist!

Today, i encourage all of you to try to become better informed about what is going on in your city/state/national government. Here are some suggested places you could start:

Find out how homosexuals are trying to take away a Christian's right to religious freedom at

Find out how Planned Parenthood is trying to convince the nation they are providing a public service at and

Find out how President Obama is trying to take away a person's responsibility to provide for himself/herself at

Find out how the government is trying to take away your rights as a parent at

Our "culture" has been trying to tell you "They" know what is best for your child, but as we have let them take more and more responsibility away from us parents, as we have let them condition us that sexuality and drug use are normal and natural and "kids will be kids," here is the fruit of "Their" labor:

~ "More than 700,000 teenagers in the United States will become pregnant this year alone, and half of all sexually active people will have a sexually transmitted infection by age 25." (hmm, great job, Culture)

~ "United States has the highest levels of teen pregnancy among developed nations." (oh, yeah, way to go, Society)

~ "Underage drinking costs the United States more than $58 billion every year." (umm, National Debt, anyone?)

~ "Ten percent of teens report that they have attended a rave, and ecstasy and other drugs were available at more than two-thirds of these raves." (but, let's just let our kids have fun, right? and the people who operate the raves have rights, too... right?)

~ "More than 60 percent of teens said that drugs were sold, used, or kept at their school." (but schools are safe. sure.)

~ "Teenagers whose parents talk to them on a regular basis about the dangers of drug use are 42 percent less likely to use drugs than those whose parents don’t." (but let's take away parental rights because the government does a much better job)

~ "Alcohol kills 6 ½ times more teenagers than all other illicit drugs combined." (but, ya know, at least they aren't getting high, right?)

Try to wake up today. Try to put on your Grown Up Hat. And try to find out what is really happening out there.

Be informed.
Be Blessed.


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