We did NOT squint in amazement at the blinding rays of light streaming from the sky today and comment on the strangeness of the phenomenon.
I did NOT cart a van FULL of children to church by myself today only to realize that there were no classes for them and i was working in the toddler room.... hmmm.... Thanks to my dear friend, my children didn't have to sit on the floor outside the toddler room for 1-1/2 hours.
We are NOT currently back to Square 1 with our dogs since they are getting into so much mischief that we cannot trust them. Yay.
My husband and son did NOT get their hair cut in the driveway this evening with a set of horse trimmers. Awesome. 'Cause we are so NOT hillbilly around here. :-)
My darling husband did NOT just come home from a run and turn on the blasted football game - didn't they win already? How many of these can a wife be asked to endure in one day?!?!
My bed does NOT currently have 2 sleeping children in it, which makes perfect sense as i walk through the house counting 1... 2... 3... empty beds.... {sigh}
And finally, i did NOT crochet my own version of a hat this week, and it does NOT have a strange and confusing point on top. (and do NOT try to point me to some of the free patterns on the internet because they are written in a foreign language!)
I did NOT cart a van FULL of children to church by myself today only to realize that there were no classes for them and i was working in the toddler room.... hmmm.... Thanks to my dear friend, my children didn't have to sit on the floor outside the toddler room for 1-1/2 hours.
We are NOT currently back to Square 1 with our dogs since they are getting into so much mischief that we cannot trust them. Yay.
My husband and son did NOT get their hair cut in the driveway this evening with a set of horse trimmers. Awesome. 'Cause we are so NOT hillbilly around here. :-)
My darling husband did NOT just come home from a run and turn on the blasted football game - didn't they win already? How many of these can a wife be asked to endure in one day?!?!
My bed does NOT currently have 2 sleeping children in it, which makes perfect sense as i walk through the house counting 1... 2... 3... empty beds.... {sigh}
And finally, i did NOT crochet my own version of a hat this week, and it does NOT have a strange and confusing point on top. (and do NOT try to point me to some of the free patterns on the internet because they are written in a foreign language!)
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