So, the kids and I popped the DVD into the computer (that's how we watch videos downstairs), moved the couches and coffee table, and proceeded to get fit! The really neat thing about the DVD is that it combines the warm up, the program, and the cool down all in one session. I am terrible at remembering to have my kids warm up before exercise, and with Gymathtics, I don't have to! Plus, even the three-year-old can do the workout with us - which adds entertainment, for sure.
My kids didn't even realize the video had been talking about math... {yes, dear children, shapes and lines and angles and counting are math concepts} Anytime I can sneak learning into their day without them knowing it is a plus - I love sparing us those groans that accompany my announcement that it is time to do school work.
While we currently enjoy outdoor fun that gives the kiddos plenty to do and lots of time to burn energy, I can totally see this Gymathtics video being a lifesaver this winter. I am NOT a fan of cold weather, and the less time I spend outdoors in below-50-degree temperatures, the happier I am, so I foresee LOTS of indoor exercise in our almost-immediate future.... Enter: Gymathtics.
For only $24.99, those 30 minutes are quite a value. Easy for me to say, right, since I got it free?? Well, you can enjoy FREE SHIPPING for a limited time right now, so order one before the winter weather steals both your outside time and this special promotion!
To see what my fellow Crew Members had to say about the Gymathtics video, click here.

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