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Maestro Classics (TOS Crew Review)

This first half of the school year has been very busy for us. We have been blessed to be a part of the 2009-2010 The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Crew, benefiting from free curricula from various sources. It has been eye-opening as I didn't realize there were so MANY things out there for homeschoolers. It has also been a little awkward at times, like when the product we are reviewing is not our favorite, but we are using it for a time anyway. Occasionally, I have had to do a lot of prep to understand how to use a curriculum, and that has been especially difficult for someone like me! The value of the products have been well worth the effort, but it has been some effort.

That said, we recently received something fun AND easy to use and review: a CD from Maestro Classics of the fable, The Tortoise and the Hare. This is something that we just got to enjoy. There is the classic tale of the hare who believes he is so fast that he cannot be beaten in a race of speed, but he soon discovers the tortoise's motto of "slow and steady wins the race" is in fact true. The story is paired with classical music (performed by a fabulous symphony orchestra), which all alone might be intimidating to parents and children who have never studied or enjoyed listening to classical music.

We enjoyed the CD in the car over a period of days during errands around town, and the kids actually asked me to put the story back on when we got in the car the second time. The 3-year-old would even ask me to "turn it up louder" when she couldn't quite hear the narrator (she is the farthest from the speakers, poor thing!).

I hope you'll check out what award-winning Maestro Classics has to offer your family - and it's not just for homeschoolers! There are a variety of CDs available on their website that would complement your next road trip or supplement your evening quiet time. Click here to see what my fellow reviewers had to say.

*Note: I received just the one CD to use and review, and no further compensation has been provided to me for this review. This review is based solely on our use of this product and is my own opinion.


  1. Hi there!
    This is a belated thanks for the wonderful review of our Tortoise and the Hare CD. I just wanted to let you know that since you reviewed our CD we've made a Facebook page so that our fans can participate in monthly giveaways (we have a big one coming up for the full 8 CD set!) and get coupons. We'd love to invite you and your readers to join our page or check out our new free homeschool music curriculum guides and thanks again for the lovely review!

    Maestro Classics


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