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Ignorance is NOT Bliss

There are so many things in life we are led to believe we don't need to know... by the government, by our doctors, by the school system, sometimes by our own friends or our churches.  Things that people believe they can "protect" us from.

But the truth is, ignorance is NOT bliss.  NOT knowing something has never blessed me.  You?

I'm the one in the doctor's office asking, "How much is in the syringe? Will it hurt? Does the stuff have any side effects? Will i get better without it? Do i need it?"  I'm the one in the grocery store looking at labels, muttering, "MSG?!? Really? In chicken stock? Milk? In a fruit drink? Natural Flavors, huh? Well, which natural ones: cow, dirt, blood?"

Asking questions is certainly something that i am compelled to do.  And it bugs most everyone. {smile} But it is by asking questions and seeking answers that i have discovered that too much protein increases a woman's chance of cancer, phenylalanine causes brain tumors, xylitol is a natural substance that strengthens your teeth, dairy is so hard for our bodies to digest that it actually leeches calcium from our bones, fingernail polish is toxic (as are most cosmetics), commercially-available soaps are really detergents that are caustic, sodium laureth sulfate is carcinogenic and causes increased susceptibility to canker sores (mouth ulcers), soy has its own estrogen, which feeds breast cancer, abortions increase a woman's risk of breast cancer, Planned Parenthood doesn't counsel women concerned about abortion - they send them to the pro-lifers - because there's no money in counseling her out of abortion, baby oil is mineral oil with fragrance added and mineral oil is only slightly different than motor oil... Need i continue?  I could.

So, why is it, if being ignorant of something doesn't save you from it, that elders, politicians, medical workers, and religious leaders continue to treat us like we're better off not knowing the truth?

~ "If we read the healthcare bill, we wouldn't allow it to pass, " paraphrased from Nancy Pelosi.
~ "Knowing the truth about abortion is too emotionally harmful for women considering abortion, so you may legally lie to them," paraphrased from legal wording allowing abortion clinics to lie about abortion.
~ "Oh, it's no big deal," my doctor told me before administering one of the most painful shots i have ever been given. (then he failed to mention the 48 hours of NEW pain i would experience AFTER the shot)
~ Major poultry farmers refuse to allow cameras into their facilities... wonder what they're hiding?

How many experts have kept you in the dark "for your own good?"

Right now, for me, it is health.  I notice many of my friends are on the same path.  God must be moving our hearts to learn more about what He intended for us.

Seek the answers to your burning questions and even your curiosities... you may learn more than you bargained for.  For your own good.


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