As a member of BookSneeze, I received a copy of Free Book, written by Brian Tome, to read and review. I liked the idea of the book because I believe we Americans have a lot of freedoms other countries don't, and I also believe that we Christians are free from things other religions are not... yet we too often live as if we are bound by rules and stipulations rather than free in Christ.
Overall, I must proclaim that Christ came to set us free, and that is definitely Tome's point. He starts by breaking the ties to "religion" and establishing our "New Identity" in Christ Jesus. With that out of the way, he proceeds through a couple of things that might be hurdles to feeling free: forgiveness and strongholds. These issues are bigger than most people understand fully, even in the Christian world, and he does a good job of breaking them down.
Then he proceeds into the spirit realm, and he talks about all the ways we allow the enemy to muddle our thoughts and plant seeds of destruction with his lies. This was my favorite part of the book. I've long been the victim of toxic thoughts and lies fed to me by the enemy, and with my newfound identity in Christ, it is encouraging to see that it a) is fairly normal, and b) can be overcome!
Finally, the author concludes that God allows our freedom, though consequences exist in response to our choices. He doesn't deny that there are things that will mess up a person's life, but he challenges us to see past the worry, fear, bitterness, anger, resentment, and tangle of rules we live by. To evict the shame and sin that hold us captive. And just be free.
Disclosure: I received this book for free from BookSneeze with the understanding that I would review it honestly. A positive review was not expected or required, just deserved.
Overall, I must proclaim that Christ came to set us free, and that is definitely Tome's point. He starts by breaking the ties to "religion" and establishing our "New Identity" in Christ Jesus. With that out of the way, he proceeds through a couple of things that might be hurdles to feeling free: forgiveness and strongholds. These issues are bigger than most people understand fully, even in the Christian world, and he does a good job of breaking them down.
Then he proceeds into the spirit realm, and he talks about all the ways we allow the enemy to muddle our thoughts and plant seeds of destruction with his lies. This was my favorite part of the book. I've long been the victim of toxic thoughts and lies fed to me by the enemy, and with my newfound identity in Christ, it is encouraging to see that it a) is fairly normal, and b) can be overcome!
Finally, the author concludes that God allows our freedom, though consequences exist in response to our choices. He doesn't deny that there are things that will mess up a person's life, but he challenges us to see past the worry, fear, bitterness, anger, resentment, and tangle of rules we live by. To evict the shame and sin that hold us captive. And just be free.
Disclosure: I received this book for free from BookSneeze with the understanding that I would review it honestly. A positive review was not expected or required, just deserved.
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