Anyway, rather than spoil the story itself for you, let me tell you how much we enjoyed the writing style and story line. Sarah is a likable child with a big heart, and every girl could identify with her. In fact, my nine-year-old loves to play "back in the old days," so this story gave her more fodder for her imaginings! Plus, the book starts you off with a glossary of 19th-century terms that will help you understand the way the characters speak, so she has a new language, too!
The writing of Sarah's Wish is engaging and descriptive (which we recently learned is when writing paints a mental image!). The characters are real, the setting charming, and the plot unique. Reading a book like this is a real joy, and having Christianity and a faith in God woven into the tapestry of characters was a gem.
You can order Sarah's Wish from the author for only $9.99 right now, with free shipping and an autograph inside! What child (or adult!) wouldn't love to have a book with his/her name written inside by the author! If you want to see what other TOS Crew Members had to say about the book, click here.

The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Crew made a very wise choice when they chose you to review for them. You are an excellent writer and a very insightful reviewer. Even though I am fortunate to get the in person reviews, I enjoy reading what you write, because, well, your writing is so enjoyable. I know you are very busy in the current season of life, both on a family and personal level, but if you ever decide to write something for publication, I would be honored to read your manuscripts! I am very blessed indeed to have such an intelligent, clear-headed, wise, and most imporantly, kind friend.