The Spring Hill area homeschoolers' Read-A-Thon benefiting the local public library was a HUGE success. We turned in our pledge sheets today and received certificates of participation - as well as a little bag of treats. The money collected will be used by the director of the Spring Hill Public Library to purchase homeschooling resources.
The group raised a little over $600, according to the director, and it looks like my kids raised almost half of that all by themselves!!! Way to go, kiddos!
And a
BIG THANK YOU to all of you who supported their efforts - we have never seen Quin so motivated to read!!
We got to play at the park for a bit after handing in our stuff. Pictures are below!

Can you find the kids hiding in the trees?
Quin's crazy smile!
Calysta upside down on the geodesic dome.
Dania at the top of a big-kid climber!
The kids peeking out of the "castle."
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