Childhood. Max: eighteen years. There is an expiration on childhood. A deadline . It's so short, but can feel so long while you are parenting the tough seasons . It's so easy to overlook an opportunity to read the book a third time, stack the blocks again, or appreciate the colorful painting they made. It's so easy to just do the next thing. Make breakfast, do the laundry, pack the lunches, pay the bills, file the papers, shop for groceries, sign the schoolwork, prepare a nutritious dinner, do the dishes, put the laundry away, clean the house, tuck them in, go to bed, then wake up and do it all again. It's so easy to plan the next thing, while working on the thing in front of you, and forget that their days are passing you by. They are getting a little older. They are getting a little bigger . They are paying attention to you. You are their first hero. The first person who hangs the moon in their eyes. Believe it or not, if you take this responsibility se...
Homeschooling Mother of three taking the time to ruminate on what makes a life.