Okay, so i'll just lay it all out on the table here: we have flies. LOTS of flies. Someone told me it is because flies, like mosquitoes, flourish in wet conditions so all the standing water we had in May with the flooding encouraged their over-$#@%&*-abundant procreation. But it's fine; i'm not upset by flies. Here's a little background for you, Dear Reader: when i lived in my first real house in this lovely city in Middle Tennessee, we noticed that there were a lot of flies in July. I was opposed to rampantly annihilating them just because we're bigger than them, so we humanely left them alone. ( you can stop chuckling now ) Well, as you can probably guess, it wasn't long before i was sweeping in my kitchen and noticed that those "grains of rice" were wiggling! Ewww! I'm not ashamed to say that ALL FLIES MUST DIE in the interest that i NEVER stumble across maggots in my home again. So, fast forward 6 years and the fly population bei...
Homeschooling Mother of three taking the time to ruminate on what makes a life.