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Showing posts from July, 2009

Feminine Friday!

That's right, boys, go away! This blog entry is WOMEN ONLY!! Today, i am finishing that lovely time that separates me from the men, and i am pondering all the issues of femalehood.... My dear friend had me in stitches last weekend about one such issue, and i realized then and there that maybe we all have the same issues, but no one ever talks about it, so we think we're all alone! Let's share!! I recently read a review of Always Infinity pads, so i tried them. Wow. I can honestly tell you that i do NOT have diaper rash this month! Anyone else deal with that lovely leftover of The Curse ? {as if having The Curse isn't bad enough, we get to deal with the curses of babyhood and womanhood back to back! yay! reason #1 i know God is a man} My children have had the Chicken Pox, as many of you know, and last week, prior to The Curse, i developed that hormonal breakout that i was lucky to avoid in adolescence. Well, you know those itchy things had me wondering.... I am...

The WHAT Pox?

When we told her she may get the Chicken Pox, The Wee Wonder recently inquired: " Y ou don' wan' me to be a poowsin anymoow? " [translation: you don't want me to be a person anymore?] Ahem . She apparently assumed that having the Chicken Pox meant you had to be a chicken . Yes, i laughed. Yes, she's adorable. Yes, we're thankful for her. No, you can't have her! :-)

Not Me Monday - Chicken Pox Version!

We did NOT watch with great amusement as the dogs tangled themselves beyond mobility during a PetPals Kids Group Play session. That would be mean. We did NOT play outside in our pajamas. That would be wrong. I did NOT hand all of the children rollers and trays of paint. They did NOT paint the half wall in the hall with magnetic paint, which was NOT black, but "dark gray," in case you are confused (as i was after reading the label and looking at my black wall). We did NOT play Style Salon with the Littlest Princess 's lovely hair instead of doing our workbooks. That would make me an irresponsible parent. I did NOT run for the camera (instead of reprimanding her) when i stumbled upon this one! And being stuck in the house for 14 days quarantine (thanks to the Chicken Pox) is NOT driving us to climb the walls or bang our heads in frustration.

The President's Plans for Healthcare Reform

Check out this link: Obama's Healthcare Plan then listen to this . (i listened already; it is a safe MP3 file that will open in Window's Media Player. No virus.) Let me just say: Wow. Jeepers, Creepers, Scary, Scary Stuff! If you sit back and do nothing, you will be part of the problem. This situation is careening out of control really quickly, and we need to ACT NOW to get a handle on things or Obama will have exactly what he wants with all his back-office meetings and his flashy press-conference promises. Wake up, America - before America is a memory and Obamarica is born.

Did You Know...?

That one Varicella Vaccine given to your child at his/her one-year check-up is not enough to protect them against the Chicken Pox? We found out last Fall that "they" (the Formal "THEY" that refers to the "Powers That Be") have determined that those children over age 5, who received one vaccine at age one, now need an additional dose of the vaccine between the ages of 4 and 6 years of age. Otherwise, they can still get the Chicken Pox. Our pediatrician informed us of this, but didn't have any available vaccines at the time, and we let it go. No follow up . No return appointment was made by The Mother of The Year for her darling children to get the remaining shot. Hence, the Chicken Pox have struck our home . The Drama Queen , also known as the eldest child, developed lovely-colored, rather itchy pox on her trunk today. Hello, Chicken Pox!! Goodbye, freedom!! Now, you may know that Chicken Pox are most contagious the 7 days prior to the first sor...

Not Me Monday!

I did NOT just spend 9 days in the Dark Ages (no phone, no internet) because of an Act of God (lightning strike). Not me . And the phone and internet are NOT going to be out for at least the majority of this week, too, which is NOT sending me into Technology Withdrawal. The Littlest Lady of the house did NOT run around with no panties or shorts on today for 15 minutes or so because Mommy didn't feel like chasing her. Not my princess . And she certainly did NOT explore all the newly exposed parts until Mommy had to give in and lasso her to redress her just to keep from blushing. Since i swore three children were my limit, i am NOT currently overrun by two additional children for the night. And it's a good thing, because we are absolutely NOT planning to babysit my just-turned-two nephew in the morning in addition to the 5 that are NOT currently in various stages of "if we're real quiet, she'll forget we're not in bed" upstairs. Not me . My dogs'...

The Things We Pass On...

The Cutest Copycat (a.k.a. Dania) showed me something amazing today! Well, in and of itself, i don't suppose it is so amazing, but to me, it appeared to be quite special. Standing outside, she perfectly executed the "bounce and sway" with her baby doll (if you have ever had a baby with colic, or a particular baby even, you know what this looks like!). Wow. What a moment! To see what she is picking up from her environment, to get a glimpse of what she is noticing by watching her... amazing. The things we pass on to our children! It makes me wonder: what else is she seeing? What else does she learn from everyday normalcy around here? I imagine she learns about caregiving, that much is obvious if you spend 10 minutes with her! But is she also learning compassion, tenderness, love for Jesus and family, and patience? Does she pick up good table manners and eating habits? Will she understand commitment and compromise? Will she have courage, confidence, and a healthy...

Not Me Monday!

i did NOT spend 3 hours making hand-held, star-shaped, cherry and blueberry pies for the children on July 4th, and i certainly did NOT hoard a couple to keep at home for myself (that would be selfish). Today, i did NOT watch a movie during my youngest child's nap whilst the eldest child assembled meatballs in the kitchen. { Good Cinderella! } i did NOT skip T-Ball team pictures today in order to let the napping 2-year-old sleep. (the coach did NOT then email us rescheduling them since he was unable to attend - thank you, God! ) We did NOT start our school lessons today, July 6th, in the dead middle of summer. Since we did NOT begin our Character studies by discussing "Attentiveness," it is a good thing that the children did NOT demonstrate a dire need for such education. My 2-year-old does NOT regularly try to eat her daily lot of calories in grapes, and grapes only, which certainly does NOT give her excessive trips to the toilet. (No, my Mother Of the Year Crown is NOT...

Worldly Wednesday

Is it only Wednesday? It feels like a month since the last time i posted.... Today is weird . The world is crazy. Satan's on the warpath. Marriage is in the crosshairs. Traditional families are falling apart. What a weird, wacky, worldly Wednesday.... God tells me that i can do all things through His Son, Jesus Christ, because i can draw strength from Him. God's Word tells me that "He hath made everything beautiful in His time..." - which reminds me that today might be ugly, but in God's time, all will be made beautiful. Praise God .